An Interesting Place, The Desert

Lovin' this "low-maintenance" yard, or at least Tom is. LOL. Driving by a golf course the day before yesterday, (they are everywhere down here), we were talking about what it must cost for water here in the desert to keep these greens green. I can't even imagine. On this one course you could tell someone was trying to cut the bill because there were already a few brown spots.

For as much as I was freezing for awhile when we first got here, it's plenty warm now! We, My Friends, are having a "heat wave". Imagine that! They've been telling us for a week now it was going to be 105 degrees everyday for about a week. Now I guess the day has come and it will be 105 today and for all of next week. While I do have to admit I'm able to take the heat here better without the humidity (0), 105 is pretty darn hot! I am wishing I was nocturnal, or wondering how I could get that way. LOL. Yet for as hot as it gets here during the day, I get up in the middle of the night and go out on the patio, and the wind is blowing to the point one might need a sweater. It is the strangest thing. Then by the time I get up in the morning, about 4:30 or 5:00 am, the wind has already completely subsided and you would never even know it had been through there. It's probably the craziest thing I've ever experienced weather-wise.

I wonder who got the bright idea to just plop a house in the middle of the desert anyway? Obviously they must not have known about "Death Valley" or it would have given them pause, I would think. I have learned that the Ford Thunderbird was actually named after a failed dude ranch turned country club just outside of Palm Springs named Thunderbird Country Club, one of the oldest in the area.       

It's Mother's Day and Sunday today, and I still haven't totally decided on a church home yet. It's interesting as you drive down one of the main drags here, most of the churches are two totally different denominations sharing a parking lot. That seems so odd to me. You think each church is figuring on catching and converting the over flow of the other? I guess it could happen. "Oh Honey, our church is full, but since we're here I've never been to an Episcopalian Church before. Why don't we go see what it's all about?" LOL. Personally I will be skipping church today, sorry to say, as I want to get a couple of things done before it gets just way too hot. Luckily, just because I'm missing church doesn't mean I have to miss time with God.

Bear, the black cat is getting along pretty well here. I do have to worry about him also in the heat so when it gets to about 90, I lock him in. I still don't let him out at night or too early in the morning because now, instead of raccoons, according to an article in the paper, we have to worry about skunks.

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preeti said...

I am going to own a RTM home in the near future. Is there any available space there? I liked the area.