I read somewhere quite awhile ago that cancer was caused by deeply held resentments and hates. People who carried grudges for years, hated someone for years, etc. As I think about different people I know who have or have died from cancer, the ones I know well enough, each of them has something in their past they have never been able to let go of. This morning in my inbox was a health news letter that again brought this issue to light for me.
German New Medicine (GNM), developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D., operates under the premise that every disease, including cancer, originates from an unexpected shock experience.The discovery came after Dr. Hamer, the former head internist in the oncology clinic at the University of Munich, Germany, lost his son in an unexpected tragedy, then developed testicular cancer. The diagnosis led him to study the connection between stressful events and disease by investigating the histories of his cancer patients.He found that, like himself, every one of his patients had gone through a very stressful episode prior to developing cancer, and, upon investigating other diseases found that every disease is controlled from its own specific area in the brain and linked to a very particular, identifiable, “conflict shock.”GNM is based of five biological laws that apply scientifically to each and every case of disease. They include:
#1: Every disease is caused by a conflict shock that catches an individual completely off guard.
#2: Provided there is a resolution of the conflict, every disease proceeds in two phases, a conflict-active phase and a healing phase.
#3: Ties the findings of the first two laws into the context of embryology and the evolution of man. It illustrates the biological correlation between the psyche, the brain, and the organ from an evolutionary point of view.
#4: Addresses the role of microbes in the context of evolution and in relation to the three germ layers from which our organs originate. Microbes are indispensable to your survival.
#5: Every so-called disease has to be understood as a “meaningful special biological program of nature” created to solve an unexpected biological conflict.
Further, Dr. Hamer believes that a person cannot die of cancer in and of itself. If someone dies during the conflict-active phase of disease, he says, it’s because of energy loss, weight loss, sleep deprivation, and emotional and mental exhaustion. The stress of receiving a cancer diagnosis, or being given a negative prognosis, is often enough to deprive a person of their life-force. Conventional cancer treatments only accelerate the downward spiral.If a patient has not undergone any conventional treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, GNM has a success rate of 95 percent to 98 percent.While trying to publicize his findings, Dr. Hamer has been persecuted and harassed by German and French authorities. He is now living in exile in Spain where he is continuing his fight for official recognition of GNM.
German New Medicine (pdf)
German New Medicine Home Page
To get more on this subject and to learn how to combat the emotional things that may be causing your body conflict, visit Dr. Mercola at http://www.mercola.com I don't neccessarily agree with all of his stuff, but I found this especially interesting.
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Thanks to Dr. Joseph Mercola for the above article.
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