A New Gadget

I don't usually do much 'internet business' stuff on my blog, but you may have noticed this poor baby has gotten a little neglected while I pay closer attention to other pages on my website . A very good teacher that I have taken some classes from as I start my new life transition from brick and morter to cyberspace has developed a new course on blogging. (Hopefully help make mine more informative and better reading. LOL.)

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free. Hopefully you'll be able to 'read' a difference here!

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Why Death Visits During The Holidays...

I think by the time you get to be my age, you have probably lost at least one friend or a relative sometime around the holidays. Personally, I always thought suicide rates were definitely up this time of year due to people getting so depressed and stressed. Not enough money for gifts, too many bills, loneliness, etc. The holidays have a way of accentuating all of these.

Some think it's due to the colder climate. Shoveling snow is definitely not a year round exercise!

Then there's always the alcohol related auto accidents resulting in highway deaths. All the holiday parties, people drinking more due to depression, etc. Although this time of year is know for excess food and alcohol, the following may surprise you. It did me.

1. National statistics show that suicides are actually lower during the holiday season, while deaths due to heart disease go up.

2. Climate has little if anything to due with death during this time of year. Dr. Robert A. Kloner, a cardiologist at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles, and his research team examined L.A. County death records of 220,000 people who died of heart disease over a 12-year period. In a paper published in the journal Circulation, they reported that heart disease deaths were 33% higher in December and January than they were from June through September -- even in Southern California's consistently mild climate.

3. Despite the winter holidays' reputation for revelry, more people die on our nation's roads due to drinking and driving during summer holidays than during those during the colder months, according Dr. Michael Garr, associate professor of sociology at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Ironically, the holiday most noted for drinking -- New Year's -- has the smallest number of alcohol-related deaths at 61 in 2001. Thanksgiving and Christmas had significantly fewer deaths, too, only 77 and 81, respectively.

I find the information above so totally shocking compared to what we normally believe. Come to find out the biggest culprits in the Holiday Death Toll, may be ourselves and the very medical facilities we count on to save our lives. It turns out that during the holidays, besides the fact that we eat and drink too much and exercise less, we tend to put off going to the doctor for what ails us. We tend to get so busy and just figure we will visit our friendly M.D. after the holidays are over and things start slowing down. For many, that's too late.

We also have a tendency to have so many things on our minds, that many forget to take their medication. This can have dire consequences in some cases because many medications have to be discontinued a little at a time. Quitting medications all of a sudden can actually bring on the very thing they are meant to protect us from.

Due to the above and the consistent spike in deaths, doctors have labeled Christmas, the 26th and New Year's Day the "Holiday Effect" or "Merry Christmas Coronary" and "Happy New Year Heart Attack."

The second culprit according to studies, is the quality of care we get if we have to go to a hospital over the holidays. According to Duke University Medical Center researchers, heart attack patients admitted to U.S. hospitals during the winter holidays have higher mortality rates than those admitted during the rest of the year. The researchers found that during these holiday hospitalizations, patients were less likely to receive the same care they would normally receive if they were admitted any other time of the year. Patients were less likely to be prescribed aspirin as well as beta blockers at admission and/or at discharge. They also were less likely to receive major procedures necessary to open blockages, etc.

To make sure you're around long after singing "Auld Lang Syne" I offer up the following tips.

1). While holiday eating and drinking are especially pleasant this time of year, use some control and common sense, especially if you normally follow some special diet (low fat, low cholesterol, etc.). Don't use the holidays as an excuse to blow off your exercise program. With all the stress and busy-ness during this time of year, use it as "Me Time", giving yourself a chance to regroup.

2). If you are feeling bad or something is "out of whack" see your doctor. There is nothing so important to do this holiday season if you're not around to see another one.

3). Make sure to keep up with all medications. Enough said. I don't think the prescription said "take a break from these for as a Christmas Present". LOL.

4.) If you're going to be traveling, make sure you know where to get medical care if necessary at your destination. Studies show the exceptions to the "holiday effect" seems to be during the years of 1973 and 1981. Holiday travel was down during these years due to an embargo in 1973 and a recession in 1981. Once again, don't put off seeing your doctor before you go. He's familiar with your history and may be able to help you have a safer and much more pleasant trip.

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Our Share in Decommercializing Christmas

I think we all agree Christmas gets more commercialized every year. They’re putting Christmas items in the stores before we’re even thru with Halloween. They’re playing Christmas Music before Thanksgiving, and the stores are so worried about the bottom line, they’re opening at midnite and 4 am the day after Thanksgiving. This year the “Christmas Sales” were starting in October. More and more of us hate Christmas every year due to the stress of making everything perfect for every one around us.

Christmas giving should be a time of joy and happiness. Instead it’s so easy to fall into “the trap”.
We’re running all over trying to find the perfect gift for those we love, spending more and more that we can’t afford. The credit card companies love us! Then there’s the feeling of embarrassment when someone gives us an expensive gift and we cannot reciprocate in kind. The mothers and fathers are both working, and the children only know what they see on TV. As parents work longer hours to pay for just the necessities, our children don’t learn what it’s like to bake with there mothers and give to the neighbors. Heck, a lot of us don’t even know our neighbors unless our children go to school together.

I would say we all need to get back to the ‘true meaning of Christmas’, but we all know what would happen if there were absolutely no gifts involved. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure the Whos in Whoville are the only ones in the world that can have all their Christmas trees and Christmas gifts stolen by the Grinch and still sing. LOL.

This year let’s see what we can do to bring back the love of Christmas, the quality time we spend with loved ones, and remember how much fun it is to give with thought more than money.

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Microwaving Cancer With Your Popcorn?

If you’re considering popping microwave popcorn this holiday season for stringing on your Christmas Tree, you might want to think about what you’re doing. There’s been quite a lot of buzz in the news, etc. lately about how such a simple snack can be so dangerous to your health.

First up seems to be the bag you pop it in, the one it comes in. The popcorn bags are made out of paper that has to be coated with a substance to repel grease and moisture so the bag doesn't become soggy and rip while you‘re heating it up. The chemicals used to coat the paper break down when heated in to a substance called perfluorooctanoic (PFOA). The Environmental Protection Agency has identified PFOA as a "likely carcinogen." While they don’t know how much actually seeps into the popcorn, they think it is a “small amount”. So my questions would be “how small an amount” and “how small is still too much”?

Next up comes that great buttery taste we all know and love.

Consumers may be in danger of contracting "popcorn lung disease" from diacetyl fumes created while microwaving popcorn. Diacetyl is a component of the artificial butter flavor. It is used for aroma and taste in butter, some cheeses and snack and bakery products. In tests at NIOSH, laboratory rats that breathed high concentrations of vapors from butter flavoring, including diacetyl, developed significant airway damage.

In a July warning letter to federal regulators made public on September 4, 2007, Dr. Cecil Rose of Denver's National Jewish Medical and Research Center says doctors believe they have the first case of a consumer who developed lung disease as a result of repeated daily exposure to fumes from microwaving popcorn. According to an ABC News story dated May of this year, “Connecticut state Rep. Rosa Delauro is asking the FDA to ban the chemical until it can be proven safe to consumers.

"We need to revoke its designation, test it further and protect the public health," Delauro said.
Flavoring manufacturers have paid more than $100 million as a result of suits brought by workers affected by popcorn lung. In California, a bill is being considered to ban its use in the state.

OSHA has been looking at this since 1999 and done little.There is no published research on the exposure of consumers to the heated vapors of diacetyl and other chemicals released when microwave popcorn is popped. In the middle of 2003, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that a study on the chemicals released in the popping and opening of packages of microwave popcorn was underway and was expected to be completed by the end of that year. The EPA has yet to disclose the results of that study.

As for me and the little ones, I think I’ll pop corn the ‘old fashion way’.

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It's Getting To Be That 'Christmas' Time of Year...

This is soooo cool!

It's getting to be that time of year again, where the days are getting shorter, school's back in, and Halloween is fast approaching. It's just a fast downhill slide to Christmas from here! There's always some smart ass in every crowd that knows exactly how many shopping days are left. Usually I'm the first one to tell someone to be quiet when they mention the Holidays, because I am one of those last minute shoppers in the stores till the last possible minute on Christmas Eve.

If you want to make life easier on yourself this year and want to give a gift that will be remembered forever, you've gotta take a look at this! It's called the "Ribbon Program". The person you give to receives a 'gift album', sort of like a catalogue. They go thru and pick out what they want (there's no prices, because you've already paid for it), and use the number on the gift card to go online and order. There are 21 different gift albums in a wide price range (if you buy 4 of the Variety Albums @ $25 you get 1 Album FREE!)

These are perfect for the person on your list that has everything, or someone who is just hard to shop for. It was great when my kids were teens. (They're so fussy and this gave them lots of choices so I couldn't get the 'wrong thing') I've gotten the "Wedding" one for my getting married friends, the "Variety" one to have on hand in case I need a gift at the last minute, and the "Baby" one I gave to my Neice and Nephew for their first child. Everyone that I have ever given one of these to just loves the gift and the experience.

To take a look just click on the link If you want to shop, just register under "My Account" and your set to go! Instead of fighting the crowds, bring the store to you this year.

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Unresolved Issues

I read somewhere quite awhile ago that cancer was caused by deeply held resentments and hates. People who carried grudges for years, hated someone for years, etc. As I think about different people I know who have or have died from cancer, the ones I know well enough, each of them has something in their past they have never been able to let go of. This morning in my inbox was a health news letter that again brought this issue to light for me.

German New Medicine (GNM), developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D., operates under the premise that every disease, including cancer, originates from an unexpected shock experience.The discovery came after Dr. Hamer, the former head internist in the oncology clinic at the University of Munich, Germany, lost his son in an unexpected tragedy, then developed testicular cancer. The diagnosis led him to study the connection between stressful events and disease by investigating the histories of his cancer patients.He found that, like himself, every one of his patients had gone through a very stressful episode prior to developing cancer, and, upon investigating other diseases found that every disease is controlled from its own specific area in the brain and linked to a very particular, identifiable, “conflict shock.”GNM is based of five biological laws that apply scientifically to each and every case of disease. They include:
#1: Every disease is caused by a conflict shock that catches an individual completely off guard.
#2: Provided there is a resolution of the conflict, every disease proceeds in two phases, a conflict-active phase and a healing phase.
#3: Ties the findings of the first two laws into the context of embryology and the evolution of man. It illustrates the biological correlation between the psyche, the brain, and the organ from an evolutionary point of view.
#4: Addresses the role of microbes in the context of evolution and in relation to the three germ layers from which our organs originate. Microbes are indispensable to your survival.
#5: Every so-called disease has to be understood as a “meaningful special biological program of nature” created to solve an unexpected biological conflict.
Further, Dr. Hamer believes that a person cannot die of cancer in and of itself. If someone dies during the conflict-active phase of disease, he says, it’s because of energy loss, weight loss, sleep deprivation, and emotional and mental exhaustion. The stress of receiving a cancer diagnosis, or being given a negative prognosis, is often enough to deprive a person of their life-force. Conventional cancer treatments only accelerate the downward spiral.If a patient has not undergone any conventional treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, GNM has a success rate of 95 percent to 98 percent.While trying to publicize his findings, Dr. Hamer has been persecuted and harassed by German and French authorities. He is now living in exile in Spain where he is continuing his fight for official recognition of GNM.
German New Medicine (pdf)
German New Medicine Home Page

To get more on this subject and to learn how to combat the emotional things that may be causing your body conflict, visit Dr. Mercola at I don't neccessarily agree with all of his stuff, but I found this especially interesting.

For quality Vitamins and Supplements for your lifestyle, physical and emotional, visit me at

Thanks to Dr. Joseph Mercola for the above article.
© Copyright 2005 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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I Don't Want To Grow Bent...

Boy, the older I get the faster the time goes. I can't believe it has been almost a month since I have updated this blog! I promise to add fresher content more often in the future, (I promise myself).

I have noticed over the last few years as I care for my aging mother, that she has started to slump. She walks a little bent over all of the time. What bothers me about this is that my whole life she was always telling me to "Stand up straight. Don't slouch", which of course I did slouch because I was so much bigger than the other kids. When you're first going thru puberty, the last thing you want to do is stick your boobs out there so everybody can make fun of the changes that you're already feeling self concious about. She always had very good posture, yet now I am seeing her hunched over and have to bite my tongue to keep from telling her to "Stand up straight".

When I saw this in my inbox this morning from Bottom Line I found it very interesting. First, I don't want to walk hunched over and second, that's what they said my mother's problem was was osteoperosis. According to this it very well could be because she just sits on her a** all day watching TV. (Now I try to stand up as straight as possible because I want to stick my boobs out. It beats them dragging on the floor!) LOL.

Answers to Your Questions from Bottom Line Experts
How can I prevent getting a humped back?

A: This condition usually can be reversed or prevented by stretching the groin ligaments, which "pull" the pelvis forward, realigning the pelvis and the spine toward normal curvature.
Stretch the backs of your legs by sitting "Indian-style" for at least 30 minutes a day -- ordinary stretching exercises are not adequate.
Walking also stretches these ligaments -- walk for 12 minutes every other day, then work up to an hour a day or more.
To stretch more, get up from a sitting position. Then stand with your hip jutting to the left, lean to the right with your left arm extended over your head, then reverse. Do this several times a day.
Surprisingly, most humped backs are not caused by osteoporosis. The main culprit often is sedentary behavior. Over many years, sitting causes ligaments in the groin to shorten and atrophy. As this happens, the normal forward lumbar curve increases, compressing the lumbar disks and resulting in a humped back.

Our inside source: Jerome F. McAndrews, DC, spokesman for American Chiropractic Association, Arlington, Virginia.

Disclaimer: Bottom Line Secrets publishes the opinions of expert authorities in many fields. But the use of these opinions is no substitute for legal, accounting, investment, medical and other professional services to suit your specific personal needs. Always consult a competent professional for answers to your specific questions.
Bottom Line Secrets is a registered trademark of Boardroom Inc.
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If you're looking for the best in natural vitamins and supplements made from organic fields to keep your body working at optimum performance and help you fight the negative effects of aging, visit me at

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"Back to School Shopping" strikes Terror

I didn't realize how much the words "Back to School Shopping" affected me until this year. You see, I have been a single Mom for most of my children's lives and we haven't exactly been floating in money. The child support I used to get once in awhile, (if you could call it that) would be a money order for $50.00 for 3 children, all of whom ate, dressed, and lived every day! Back to School Shopping financially for me, came close to rivaling Christmas. It was the only time other than Christmas when my children could get new clothes, etc. except when absolutely necessary. When my children were small, we did not have the internet to find bargains, shop online, or ask others where they found the best deals.
Last year, my last child finally graduated. I find myself seeing the ads on T.V., seeing the ads in the paper, and hearing the ads on the radio, yet I still feel this anxiousness in my heart. It's real similar to the feeling you get when there is a cop behind you, and even tho you haven't done anything wrong, your heart starts beating a little faster? That feeling. Then comes the sigh of relief as I realize I don't have to do that anymore.
Now I am working on a paradigm shift. I am teaching myself to look at this time of year as an opportunity. This is my chance to get all the office supplies cheaper than any other time of the year! As I was looking for "School Supplies" to fill my own needs, (gosh that has a luxurious taste of selfishness coming from the 'Mom' in me)I discovered a few things that might be helpful for the "not so affluent" parents, teachers that pay for supplies out of their pockets, and the not so yet successful entraupenuer.
First of all, lets talk the possibility of FREE. One of the times while my children were small, I rented out a room in our house to another single mom with a daughter about the same age as my youngest. She worked for the Salvation Army and all the children got very nice back to school supplies for nothing. We could have never afforded everything and many places donate tons of supplies just for people like us.
Freecyle Network I just discovered this morning. You find the State, then your City, and join for free. People post things they don't want or need anymore, hoping to find someone who can use them. This not only helps people get rid of their items, it helps the people that need what they have and all the while it keeps the stuff out of landfills, thus helping the environment. While there may not be any posts in your town or city, don't forget to check the areas around you.
When it comes to desks, computer items, etc. it doesn't hurt to check Craig's List. It's amazing what you can find in the 'free' section.
The concencus on stores seems to be Target. One organization checked out Walmart, RiteAid and Staples. While everyone assumes Walmart is the cheapest, a lot of their items are sold individually versus in bulk, and they add up quickly. My thing is to just make sure you're comparing 'apples to apples' and not 'apples to oranges'. I can't tell you how many people I've taught to look at the sq. footage on toilet paper instead of how many rolls you get, versus the price. If you're paying only $.79 cents for a spiral notebook of 70 pages, but spiral notebooks are on sale somewhere else for $.99, and you're getting 128 pages, which is the better buy?
For college age students it is totally amazing to me what the cost of textbooks are. On top of tuition and everything else you need, who can afford $300.00+ for books. As soon as you can find out which text books are neccessary for a class, one of the first places everybody checks is the Campus Bookstore. Used books run out quickly. The first thing you can do is post what you want under the "wanted" section of Craig's List. You may luck out and someone has the text you need and will just let you have it, but don't expect it. Be prepared to offer a reasonable price for the book. When my oldest daughter fist started college, she found the cheapest books at Now there are so many choices. She gets the title of the book she needs and the number and just 'googles' it. You get listings from ebay and some sites that will compare prices for you.
Another idea is to join us at Quixtar and earn money back while you shop our partner stores!
IBO # 1750841 'Key' BEA

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Aha! Bottled Water in the News

I just couldn't hardly wait to get on here after seeing the news last nite. Pepsico has come out and said their "Aquafina" is from the 'Public Water Supply'. Now, I personally don't remember getting any kind of "Quality Control Report" with every bottle of Aquafina I bought. Which PWS are we drinking from when we buy bottled water? What's in it?
Now that Pepsico has rolled over on the bottled water industry, I would think it's only a matter of time before we hear more from other companies. I also think that if Pepsico is putting their source of water on their new labels, they must have an idea of where they think the fight over better labeling on our bottled water is going. It's time for them to get honest! If you missed it last nite you can see the story here- The only sure way to protect yourself is by filtering your own water. Why do we "pay" to put in our bodies who knows what?
Espring was named one of the top countertop filters for your tap in Consumer Reports for filtering out the most possible bacteria from our water. To learn more about Espring visit me at

To see more on this subject, see my previous posts.

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Here We Go Again! Another Recall

You know, when those other countries said about bringing down the USA from 'within', do you think they meant from 'within' each of us? LOL. It's sure starting to feel like that, all the way down to our pets. Today another Huge meat proccessor of many brands, is doing a voluntary recall of people food and pet food. Castleberry's, who is responsible for many brands of chili, beef stew, corned beef hash, and Natural Balance Dog Food thinks that a machine malfunction may be responsible for botulism in their products. (See AOL News for a list of brands and products being recalled).

The first thing I did when I read the story is make sure the corned beef hash I bought for my mother wasn't one of their brands. That's all I need is to poison my own mother! No one would ever believe it was an accident. LOL. Me, who laughs in the face of food poisoning and bought Moran ground Beef at Albertson's yesterday, was a little worried.

What's really sad is our pets can't really tell us. I'm not a Vet. If Baby, my American Eskimo dog gets sick, I just figure she'll go eat some grass and get over it. The poor thing really has to be showing some serious symptoms for me to take her the Vet, and then it might be too late! So far, the FDA has received about 18000 calls, half of which the pet owner alleges death of a pet that may be due to pet food. It's scary to find out brands like Iams, Eukanuba, and other well known brands for being upper quality (and usually more expensive) are not what we the public think they are. Since all this has been going on, I have taken a solid look at the ingredients in just a couple of the top foods. You may be as surprised as I was. Look here:

Main Ingredients of Iams Iam Chunk: Chicken, corn meal, ground whole grain soghum, chicken by-product meal, chicken fat, dried beef pulp, natural chicken flavor, fish meal, potassium chloride

Science Diet: Chicken, ground whole grain corn, ground whole grain sorghum, ground wheat, chicken by-product meal, soybean meal, animal fat, corn gluten meal, brewer's rice

And then there is Nutripet: chicken meal, ground brown rice, ground white rice, chicken fat, dried beef pulp, dried egg product, fish meal, flaxseed, dried carrots, dried peas..

Because our pets need a lot of the Omegas and Protein with less fat, just like we do.

To get the best for your pet, just register using IBO #1750841 And KEY 'BEA', Then have it delivered right to your door!

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We were "GREEN" before green was 'cool'

All the talk today of conserving energy, alternative energy, the o-zone, etc. Anyone remember all the talk of the 60's was phosphates in the environment, ruining our water supply? Anybody even know what phosphates are? I know I sure didn't. I just knew we didn't want any!

In the 1960s, detergent manufacturers waged an advertising battle over who had the longest lasting suds, and detergent compounds quickly appeared in the waterways. Suds began to appear in streams, rivers, lakes, and at the foot of Niagara Falls, piles of discolored detergent foam rose eight feet high.
Detergents also contain phosphate additives to soften the water and thereby improve the effectiveness of the detergent molecules. It was noted that between 1940 and 1970 the amount of phosphates in city wastewater increased from 20,000 to 150,000 tons per year.
With the increase in phosphates, algal blooms grew splendidly on the excess phosphorous and consumed the majority of all oxygen in the waters, killing fish and plants. It was at that time a little know company came out with biodegradable, phosphate-free SA8. It was also one of the first to come out with the power of concentration which means you use less per load!


In the January 2007 issue of Consumer Reports, SA8 with Bioquest was rated as the best performing laundry detergent, scoring 99 out of a possible 100 (the next best, Tide with Bleach, scored 87). It was the only detergent to score "excellent" in all three categories of Cleaning, Keeps dirt off, and Keeps dye off. It does not contain Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) which are considered toxic to the environment.
You don't hear much about phosphates anymore. You would think the problem doesn't exist any longer, but that's not true. If you want detergents that are not harmful to the environment, you have to buy them specifically. Why not buy the one that has always been an environmentally sound choice?
Register under "My Account" and make full use of the website. You're under no obligation to purchase anything and we do not sell your info to anyone!

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I Can't Believe It!

I just finished blogging on bottled water and how I chose Fiji and look what I found right afterward!

Bottled Water Ad Slams Cleveland, Joke May Be On Them
Ad Puts Cleveland On Defensive Over Water

CLEVELAND -- An advertisement slams Cleveland, but the joke may be on a bottled water company instead.
The battle of the bottled water puts water from Fiji vs. Lake Erie.
The ads for Fiji Water sold around the world proclaim that "The label says Fiji because it's not bottled in Cleveland."
The back of the bottle contains information about trade winds purifying island water -- water not affected by acid rain and other pollutants.
NewsChannel5 learned the ad was tough to swallow for the Cleveland Water Department, which did its own water analysis.
Officials said their test results showed Cleveland's treated drinking water is better quality than Fiji Water. They said Fiji Water had the highest levels of arsenic and other contaminants.
NewsChannel5 held a blind taste test.
"I never had Fiji Water. I thought Cleveland was much more refreshing," one tennis player said.
The taste testers preferred Cleveland water.
"Just not as good as I thought it would be and not worth the price," one man said.
Fiji president Edward Cochran said his company's tests have found much lower levels of arsenic in Fiji Water than Cleveland did. He questions the validity of the city's study, saying it was not an independent test.

Just can't trust anybody!LOL.

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Which One?

I am standing in a gas station mini-mart about 1:00 am after helping a friend out with his project, dieing of thirst, in front of the bottled water. After all the research I've done, and all the articles on bottled water I've read,(see article on ) I don't know which one to choose as the healthiest choice. I don't trust any of them! Now I know some of them are just glorified tap water, some can say they are 'spring water' if they come from a manmade hole in the ground (one near a dumpsite), and the reverse osmosis ones that have been stripped of all the good stuff along with the bad. Now I drink a lot of water and unfortunately, I'm not always home where I have access to what I know is good, filtered water. (See the 'e-spring' at ) I can understand why consumer's are clammoring for consumer labels on the bottles, and why the International Bottled Water Association is fighting it so hard! What one would I choose if I really knew what I was doing?

I finally ended up with a bottle of 'Fiji-Natural Artisian Water'. It wasn't that I think it's the best. I just know what the others are. Are these the same Artisian's that used to make Olympia Beer?
I figured good for me or not, it took me on a little vacation in my mind to the Fiji Islands. That was more than the others had to offer.

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The Small Things In Life

It's amazing sometimes how the smallest of things in life can make someone so happy. I am no different than anyone else. I appreciate a good deal. I don't have money to burn.

My products on this website are all ordered and delivered right to my door. It takes a little planning, but I love it! Unfortunately planning ahead is not one of my better attributes, so sometimes I run out of a product and have to buy something similar off the store shelves. (If I would get these things into 'Ditto Delivery' they would show up automatically, about the time I'm running out, but haven't done that with everything yet). And so it went with my dishwasher soap.

I grew up in a time when you had to practically wash the dishes by hand before you put them in the dishwasher, so I'm still pretty much that way. (Old habits die hard). I bought this popular brand dishwasher soap to just hold me until I ordered my Dish Drops. Naturally, once I bought it, I was going to use the whole box. Not only did I have to use more per load (Dish Drops is highly concentrated, so you only use a TBLS per wash), but the dishes came out terrible! There was this awful film over everything so bad, I didn't even want to drink out of them, and I knew they were 'clean'!

I got my new box of Dish Drops and this morning at 5:00 a.m. I am unloading the dishwasher. I was just ecstatic at how clean and clear my wine glasses were! (The most important of all the dishes I have, of course). Sometimes I have to even remind myself of how good these products really are!

If you'd like to test it yourself just visit us @
Guaranteed, or your money back!

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Today's "launch" day!

Well, this is it! I finally finished enough to feel good about launching my new website: Man, do I ever HATE the learning curve! I still don't know enough and obviously will have to make changes to the site as I go, but I just couldn't take any more! My brains are scrammbled with all there is to learn out there about everything! If you visit, please feel free to give any constructive criticism or help. I am open to suggestions. Any feedback really would be good. Unlike serving someone face to face, it's a little lonely out here in cyberspace.

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